The West Bali National Park (Taman Nasional Bali Barat) is located at the island’s western end. It has such complex habitation including high forests and magnificent coral fringed islands. It has also the perfect complement to Bali’s sun and sea, rice terrace and temple tourism.
This interesting and beautiful area is actually a wild and unvisited side of Bali. This area is determined as National Park since 1980 as the government realize the population growth in Bali. There are only little forests remain in Bali, this step is important to preserve a portion of the island as a wilderness zone and as a buffer against human settlements.
Though west Bali is not as rugged as the areas surrounding the higher mountains of eastern Bali, primary monsoon forests are found along the watershed on the southern slopes of the mountains Sangiang, Merbuk, Musi dan Patas.
At the south sector of the park, you can find clear streams and traversed by footpaths that promise steep but relatively easy walking through forested hills. The park’s sparse and prickly northern sector is much drier than the south, the habitat of scrub acacia, palm savannas and dense mangrove swamps.
If you are interested to go to West Bali I will tell you in my next posting about where to stay with a reasonable price. See you.