Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Some important things to remember when you drive in Bali:

If you are going to travel to Bali and planning to drive by yourself. You can easily find car rental there. The cost is not so high as long as you can make a good bargain. However there are things to remember when you drive in Bali. Here are some tips for your safety driving in Bali. First, you need to know that you'll be driving on the left-hand side of the road. If you are coming from America or Europe country, maybe you will need to adapt with this rule. But don’t worry too much about it. At first maybe you will feel rather weird but you will get used to it after one day driving in Bali. Second thing, you will find that some road signs in Bali are covered by any kind of obstructions. So you need to be careful when you are in a junction. Drive slowly and don’t hesitate to ask people about your direction. Most of the people in Bali are kind and helpful. And lucky thing is that they usually are able to speak English, at least able enough to tell you the direction. Third, if you need to fill the gas for the car, the safest way is to come to the official gas station which are many in Bali. Prepare in your pocket for amount like 200,000 rupiah (equal to USD 22) for any need like fill out the gas and for dealing with Police. Drive slowly or fairly, keep your eyes on the road, talk to people are things you should do while you drive in Bali. Have fun.

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